Gifts [367-375]

My poor blog has been a bit neglected. I'm working on some changes around here, and I'm afraid that's consumed my blogging time instead of new posts. Hopefully soon I'll have something to show for my work. In the meantime, I'm off to work on my long to-do list, hoping that Timmy wakes up in a better mood...

367 the clearance section of

368 strength after a night of insomnia

369 hearing Higbaby2's heartbeat!!

370 a friendly OB

371 not having to reschedule my appointment, even though she was called out for delivery

372 helping Timmy watch out the window for Chris to arrive home

373 Timmy doing well when we were gone from home much longer than expected

374 homemade bread

375 my parents getting to see Timmy army crawl on Skype


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