23 Things

I managed to leave this list on my work computer along with the flash drive I’d saved it to, so here’s what I meant to post on Saturday…

Each year around my birthday, I like to make a list of new things I did in my last year of life (yes, I am weird) and seeing that tomorrow is two days ago was my birthday, I thought it a fitting time to make such a list.  So, here are 23 (new) things I did while I was 23. 

1.            Went on my first real date

2.            Entered into a relationship with an amazingly wonderful godly man

3.            Celebrated three months with him (on my birthday, no less!)

4.            Watched the sunset on the beach with said man

5.            Celebrated one year at my job

6.            Experienced the death of my Grandma

7.            Became a church member

8.            Won third place in our bake-off at work

9.            Co-adopted a cat

10.          Was maid of honor for my friend Crystal’s wedding

11.          Hosted a weekend visit with friends from North Carolina and Arizona

12.          Went a real, just-for-fun vacation to California and Arizona

13.          Ran two 5ks

14.          [With my roommates] hosted a game night

15.          Developed a grudge against the state of Iowa for their lack of road signs and my propensity for getting lost

16.          Celebrated being out of college for one year

17.          Discovered the amazingness that is savory scones

18.          Helped plan a party for my church’s third anniversary

19.          Lived with another Elizabeth

20.          Celebrated Thanksgiving with Chris (and our respective families)

21.          Drove over 800 miles in one week while on vacation

22.          Got a digital SLR camera

23.          Learned to knit, not for the first time, but for the first time successfully


Isaacme said…
What a fun year. However it was a year without CEF. We missed you.

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