In My Head (Gifts 245-256)

Normally I keep a post drafted of the week's gifts, making it easier to recall all that I have to be thankful for when it's time to post them on Mondays. Some weeks, though, the draft is in my head, and I mentally list them while I'm emptying the dishwasher and making lunch for myself. The challenge is remembering them all when I do pause at the keyboard. We'll see how I do...

245 a dishwasher

246 long naps for Timmy

247 seeing a good college friend twice this year

248 Chris finishing dinner prep (and cleaning it up) when I didn't feel good

249 family adventures

250 a newly organized front closet

251 bags of things for Goodwill

252 the promise of herbs from a friend

253 an air mattress for overnight company

254 Crockpot meals on hot summer days

255 smiles from my boy when he wakes up in the mornings

256 Timmy quickly falling asleep without crying even though he was over-tired and over-stimulated


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