26 Words

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

It's a simple verse, the ending of a lesser known hymn, "Awake, My Soul and With the Sun" sung by thousands (if not millions) of people throughout history.  Having attended a church where the Doxology was sung following Communion each week endeared these words to my heart and if I'm honest, I admit I'll always miss that.  There was (is) something holy about voices blending together as kids and adults we thanked God for the gift of Communion.

I'm not sure what entices me to the words.  Maybe it's the way the author skillfully weaves in all members of the Trinity.  Maybe it's the sole focus on praising God and not asking Him for things.  Maybe it's the fact taht no matter how many times I sing the lyrics, they never grow old.  And since I've dubbed it Timothy's "nighttime song," I'll hopefully be singing it many, many more times in the coming years.


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