From the Land of Swimin' Pools and Movie Stars

We're in California!  I realized that every time I mention our new state, I reference the Beverly Hillbillies.  Maybe I need to expand my horizons in terms of California culture references?

Our house is coming together pretty well.  Still need a dryer (the one we brought with us was electric and the house is gas), table/chairs and box springs for our mattress.  I won't go into details as the last item in that list has been rather frustrating, but hopefully next weekend we won't be sleeping on an air mattress anymore!  Though I must say that I am beyond thankful my parents let us take theirs when we moved, or else we would be sleeping on the floor, and let me just tell you that pregnant + floor sleep = bad news bears.

We even have Internet now!  Finding it was an adventure in and of itself, but life is much easier now (hello craigslist) and I should even be able to blog regularly (or at least I won't have an excuse if I don't).  Our new town is quite charming--it's small and the people are super friendly.  There's even a cute downtown and some fabric stores that I must visit soon. :)

Higbaby is doing well--very active!  Chris got to see my stomach move when baby kicked the other night, which was really cool.  I'm in the process of trying to find a new midwife, but should have that figured out soon, I hope.  As a side note, I've been working on switching my health insurance today and have been pleasantly surprised at how kind and helpful everyone in the health insurance industry has been...on a Monday!


Tyffany said…
Yay for a blog update! Good to know things are moving along well!

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