Gifts 289-302

Not much to say about this week, other than Chris discovered during church yesterday that Timmy had cut a tooth! It explains the whining and super short naps from Saturday. :) I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast, and as always, I'm seeing the gifts more and more each day...

289 popsicles made with real juice

290 a plane ticket

291 gift cards

292 Timmy doing well with a friend during my 3 hour dentist appointment

293 taking a shower, even if it was at 1:30 p.m.

294 Novicane so I don't feel pain

295 a toaster

296 delicious cantaloupe

297 a new bathmat to replace the one the dryer ripped to shreds

298 clean floors under my bare feet

299 the moment each day when Chris walks through the front door

300 a delicious and easy gluten free meal

301 Timmy loving his exersaucer

302 his first tooth! (with minimal fussing and pain--the only indication was short naps and some whining)


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