Thank You God, for Mommy

We've been reading to Timothy since before he was born. In the months he spent inside me, many chapters of Scripture along with Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You and other childhood classics were read to our unborn baby.

Now that he's on the outside, we still read to our boy, despite the fact that he is "too young." To that end, I'm always on the hunt for quality kids books. Classics, to be sure, but also new ones hitting the shelves. When I saw Thomas Nelson offering Thank You God, for Mommy, I snatched it up. In its charming pages are shown a young panda bear and his mother, doing a variety of things like swinging, praying and even spilling honey ("She's oh so patient when my uh-ohs become big messes"). Throughout each page, the little one is thanking God for his Mommy because "she helps me try again," "cares for big and small" and "turns frowns upside down." It focuses on the little activities mommies do that we want our kids to remember. As a new mom, I found the book incredibly sweet.

On a side note, although my child is entirely human, I think the panda has an expression that kind of matches his. In other words, the illustrations are adorable.

This book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson. The opinions expressed are my own.


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