Monday Meanderings

Google image of my grandma's sewing machine
that's now mine
  • Hopefully my Kitchen Aid enjoyed its Christmas break, because Saturday I mixed up four loaves of bread, putting the poor thing to much use.
  • We're in full-fleged baby prep mode around here.  We figured out which hospital we're hoping to deliver at, the carseat is installed and we bought some diapers and wipes at Target on Friday.
  • I made this project yesterday (well, just the mittens).  They're not perfect as I am pretty bad at sewing circles, apparently, but hey, they turned out.  And it only cost the $3.50 I spent on the sweater!  Next up is a pen holder for my Bible pens.
  • Having a husband who worked in industrial sewing (at a parachute shop) who's also an engineer is quite handy when you don't have the manual for your sewing machine and the thread and bobbin have both run out.
  • Thank you, Yahoo! groups for providing said manual for free.  I love how vintage it is--the machine and the manual.


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